Thursday, October 16, 2008

The 5 Students Outcomes

The 5 Students Outcomes~

- Person of high character
I did well: I help my group mates when we are doing lab.
I didn't do well: I didn't put my thing away.

- Critical thinker

I did well: I think to answer the questions.
I didn't do well: I didn't help my group mate to

- Community Contributor
I did well: I help other group to clean.
I didn't do well: I forgot to put the things we use away.

- Active learner

I did well:
I ask my group mate question.
I didn't do well: I was not a active learner when I was talking to Stephanie instead of doing my works.

- Effective Communicator
I did well: I talk to others.
I didn't do well: ....?


P. Smith said...

Good start...think deeper! :)