Friday, March 5, 2010

Democracy Now! - V-Day Founder Eve Ensler on “I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World”

1. Synopsis: what is this interview about?
2. How is Eve Ensler being a global citizen? What is she doing to make a difference in the world (give examples)?
3. Give one example of how girls can end up in harmful situations because of societal pressures "to please" others.
2. What do you think are the connections between The Story of Stuff and Eve Ensler's story about the girl in the factory making Barbie doll heads?

This interview is about the "I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World " - book that was written by Eve Ensler. And the book is basically about how females are treated in this world. In the interview she talked about her journey around the world, and she is fighting for females' rights.
She is being a global citizen by discovering the truth of how women are treated in the world and she is trying to help them. She talked to the women and listened to their problems.
Many women and girls in the world are dieting and trying to be skinny because they want to look good. They want to look good and pretty so that men will like them. Women will try all different ways to become skinny, some of the ways might hurt their health. Why did they do this kind of thing? Why?! They want men to say they are pretty, they sacrifice their health for men.
I think the connection between "The Story of Stuff" and Ensler's story about the girl in the factory making Barbie doll heads is that they are both about producing products. And the girls and people in the factories were payed very low. And both of them payed their entire (maybe, because if they work in the factories since they were a kid they are not educated) life there making Barbie dolls' head and take in toxins.