Sunday, February 22, 2009

From My House To My Grandma' House.....

From My House (Taipei) To My Grandma' House.....

From my house in Taipie to my grandma' house.
I walked down stairs to second floor I heard the birds singing and the car' engine, I smelled the orchids in the corner, and I saw gray stairs, wooden handrail, purple orchids, two windows, and birds standing on the wire pole. When I walked down to first floor I saw silver mailboxes, handbills, and the front door. I opened the door and I smelled the smell of the car and petrol, I heard the sound of the car' engine, I saw people walking, car drove by, building, and trees..... I walked 3 meters and watched if there's a car coming. Then I turned right (My right) and walked about 18 meters. I saw birds wastes on the ground, I saw many cars, bicycle and motorcycle. I heard people talking and the engine' sound. I walk about 20 meters I saw interior design company and people riding bicycle.
Then I walked about 60 meters I smell the smell of dog wastes. I heard dog bark. And I saw a passerby walking her dog, I also saw my grandma' friends.
Then I turn left, and walked about 5 meters and I walked into the elevator and go to 7 floor. After the elevator' door opened, I turned left and I opened the door. I got to my grandma' house.


stephanie's blogger said...

you did a great job on doin this,,,
You have a good picture of from your house to your grandma house and you have i good information too
i like it

Agnes said...

'VELLY' Nice! :D
Very clear and with what you smell, feel, and see.

Jasmine W. said...

It's cool you draw your map by yourself!
Keep going on~

David Carpenter said...

Nice job describing how your senses reacted to your trip.